The Official Blog of Save Our Fisheries

This blog will be dedicated to Marine Conservation and saving our natural fisheries. It is every anglers duty to do his or her part to conserve our marine resources. One of the best ways to do this is through the practice of "Catch and Release" fishing. By this I don't mean you shouldn't keep a reasonable amount of fish for dinner, just don't take more than you will consume. We all have a responsibility to conserve these natural resources so that our children and our children's children will be able to enjoy the same excitement that we have had in landing that trophy catch. http://saveourfisheries.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Win A Fishing Trip With George Poveromo

Enter for the chance of a lifetime!

Win A fishing trip with the legendary sport fishing guide George Poveromo. George Poveromo is a Senior Editor with Salt Water Sportsman Magazine and a world renowned angling authority. He is also the host of George Poveromo's World Of Saltwater Fishing. on ESPN 2.

In this contest there are 4 video's 3 are true stories and 1 is a big lie.

You guessed it the object here is to pick out the lie!!

Below you will find the introduction video:

Now it's time to enter for your chance win your dream trip to fish with George.
Watch the video's carefully and pick out the lie to win!

To enter the conest click(here)

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