The Official Blog of Save Our Fisheries

This blog will be dedicated to Marine Conservation and saving our natural fisheries. It is every anglers duty to do his or her part to conserve our marine resources. One of the best ways to do this is through the practice of "Catch and Release" fishing. By this I don't mean you shouldn't keep a reasonable amount of fish for dinner, just don't take more than you will consume. We all have a responsibility to conserve these natural resources so that our children and our children's children will be able to enjoy the same excitement that we have had in landing that trophy catch. http://saveourfisheries.blogspot.com/

Monday, April 28, 2008

The I.G.F.A Kids Catches Page

Welcome to the NEW Kids Catches page.

This page is just for kids who want to share their fishing pictures and stories with the rest of the Junior Anglers around the world!! We will pick our favorite pictures and include them in upcoming issues of the International Junior Angler ! Email your pictures and stories to the Junior Angler Department and we will make sure to post them right away!!

What an Amazing Day!
Breant Cockrell (11) of Brevard County, Florida, USA had an amazing day of fishing. He caught 5 Groupers and 2 Big Amberjack! Brent has been offshore fishing with his Dad from the time he was 3 and caught his first sailfish this January

Tag and Release
Wes Davis (8) of Malibu, California, USA, caught this Sailfish off of Boca Raton, Florida. It took him 30 min to bring the fish in. His arm was sore and after the stand up fight. The sailfish kept jumping and splashing water all over. He tagged him, took this picture, then let him go.

Older Pictures
As you can see we need more pictures of you with your monster fish. Send them to us and you could be featured in the next issues of the International Junior Angler

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