The Official Blog of Save Our Fisheries

This blog will be dedicated to Marine Conservation and saving our natural fisheries. It is every anglers duty to do his or her part to conserve our marine resources. One of the best ways to do this is through the practice of "Catch and Release" fishing. By this I don't mean you shouldn't keep a reasonable amount of fish for dinner, just don't take more than you will consume. We all have a responsibility to conserve these natural resources so that our children and our children's children will be able to enjoy the same excitement that we have had in landing that trophy catch. http://saveourfisheries.blogspot.com/

Friday, March 14, 2008

Anglers' Legacy A National Mission From "Take Me Fishing"

About Anglers' Legacy
Anglers' Legacy was launched in May 2006. Through media ads and coverage, pro-staff and celebrity angler involvement and industry partnerships, the campaign asks avid anglers to share their passion for fishing and drives them to AnglersLegacy.org where they're asked to "Take the Pledge" – promising to take one new person fishing each year. In its first year, the program garnered nearly 10,000 Pledges.

You likely remember your very first fishing trip and who took you. And odds are pretty good that positive first-time experience is why you're still fishing today. That's what Anglers' Legacy is all about – simply giving back what you've been given, and making your promise to introduce somebody new to the activity you love. Join thousands of your peers and make a real difference. Take someone fishing – a family member, co-worker, neighbor, acquaintance at church or, perhaps, the mechanic who works on your car.

Become part of Anglers' Legacy today, the group of folks from all across the country who, like you, are giving back. There's no membership fee and no obligation. You're just making a promise to do your part to share your knowledge and expertise with someone new.

Anglers' Legacy Events

Anglers are taking the future of fishing into their own hands through the Anglers’ Legacy program and are hosting Pledge-signing events across the nation. A survey of 700 avid anglers shows that the campaign message is reaching anglers and they, in turn, are reaching out to share the gift of fishing with someone new.
See the difference Anglers' Legacy is making! Take a look at the following Anglers' Legacy events:
More than 1,000 Anglers Take the Pledge at 2008 Bassmaster Classic
Anglers Show Support for Fishing at Super Bowl Festivities
Take Me Fishing Centers are a Huge Success!

Kids Fishing Hall of Fame

If you're mentoring children, a great way to keep them interested is to recognize their accomplishments, no matter how large or small. The Kids Fishing Hall of Fame is the perfect forum for recognizing your young anglers! From their first fish to catching the big one, you can post a photo, tell a story and create a custom certificate that commemorates their special day.

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