The Official Blog of Save Our Fisheries

This blog will be dedicated to Marine Conservation and saving our natural fisheries. It is every anglers duty to do his or her part to conserve our marine resources. One of the best ways to do this is through the practice of "Catch and Release" fishing. By this I don't mean you shouldn't keep a reasonable amount of fish for dinner, just don't take more than you will consume. We all have a responsibility to conserve these natural resources so that our children and our children's children will be able to enjoy the same excitement that we have had in landing that trophy catch. http://saveourfisheries.blogspot.com/

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Make A Difference Fishing Tournament

We would like to thank the International Game Fish Association (IGFA) Dania Beach, FL for all the great thing they do to educate the angling community and their wonderful community service efforts.

Today i would like to highlight the LATEST NEWS & INFORMATION from Make a Difference Fishing Tournament's Largo Tournament.

Make A Difference Fishing Tournament is a 501 (C)3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping handicapped children through fishing tournaments and other programs that facilitate the involvement of handicapped children in marine education and recreation.read more

Anglers, don't miss this years Make a Difference Fishing Tournament's Largo Tournament Saturday, April 5, 2008 starts at 8:00 AM

Held at the Largo Central Park Nature Preserve.150 Highland Ave, S.E., Largo Florida.Located south of East Bay Drive behind Missing Links Golf. Registration NOW OPEN! Download Largo Tournament Registration Form. Mail your complete form to Make a Difference Fishing Tournament P.O. Box 16535 Clearwater, FL 33766 No later than March 28, 2008.

Lend a Helping Hand, Learn How to be a Volunteer Today! read more

Calendar of Events for 2007

The following events are currently scheduled. Contact information will be provided for all tournaments. Please check back frequently for more announcements and tournament information click here for the full schedule

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