The Official Blog of Save Our Fisheries

This blog will be dedicated to Marine Conservation and saving our natural fisheries. It is every anglers duty to do his or her part to conserve our marine resources. One of the best ways to do this is through the practice of "Catch and Release" fishing. By this I don't mean you shouldn't keep a reasonable amount of fish for dinner, just don't take more than you will consume. We all have a responsibility to conserve these natural resources so that our children and our children's children will be able to enjoy the same excitement that we have had in landing that trophy catch. http://saveourfisheries.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Be A Lifesaver For Kids On The Water

BoatUS Foundation 880 S Pickett St Alexandria VA 22304

Every child on the water whether they're boating, fishing, or enjoying water sports deserves to have the safety of a life jacket... but that doesn't always happen.

The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety & Clean Water sponsors the Life Jacket Loaner Program for Kids, which makes children's life jackets available to boaters who are unprepared for visiting children or whose kids have outgrown their old life jackets. Over 350 locations nationwide loan kid-sized life jackets on a daily basis, at no charge. To date, three precious lives have been saved as a result of this program made possible by the generosity of boaters like you.
However, each year the need for life jackets outgrows the number that the BoatUS Foundation has available to loan. Our program's goal is to raise $50,000 by this spring to meet the need - we're counting on you!

Any amount you can give helps and will go to fund a new loaner site or replenish much needed supplies at an existing location. Your tax-deductible contribution is important and we need your help to make boating safer for children.

Thank you for your support,President BoatUS Foundation
P.S. Help make boating safer for children. Our program life jackets are loaned more than 50,000 times a year and supplies are running short. Your contribution of any amount, even just $10, will make a difference to a small child. Consider making a fully tax-deductible donation today to keep our program afloat.

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